What’s done
Work Outline
Throughout the CORAL project, five different work packages will be carried out.
Workpackage 1
Retrofit Concept Development
Workpackage 3
Model Development
Workpackage 5
Coordination and Dissemination
Workpackage 2
Fluidized Bed Tests
Workpackage 4
Techno-Economic Assessment
Retrofit Concept Development
- Identify modifications of the existing steam generator of a fluidized bed boiler (including furnace walls, convective pass, and external heat exchangers) to obtain the highest possible boiler efficiency
- Select appropriate technical solutions for feeding and extraction of metal particles to/from the fluidized bed boiler
- Select appropriate technical solutions for the separation of metal dust from the off-gas
- Identify and characterize iron powders for combustion in fluidized
Fluidized Bed Tests
- Demonstrate the technical feasibility of metal fuel combustion and reduction in a fluidized bed by tests at lab and pilot scale
- Determine the operating window of the fluidized bed reactor for metal combustion
- Evaluate the characteristics of the oxidized metal
- Determine the cyclic performance of the metal fuel
- Provide data for model validation
Model Development
- Determine the reaction kinetics of the selected metal fuels
- Develop reliable tools for scale-up of the fluidized bed through extensive validation
- Develop a reliable tool for determining the dynamic performance of the fluidized bed
- Develop a reliable tool for understanding the hydrodynamic behaviour of gas-solid interaction in fluidized beds for metal fuel and metal oxide
Techno-Economic Assessment
- Determine the market potential of the technology
- Determine the net electrical efficiency of the power plant at various loads
- Evaluate the flexibility of the power plant to feed electricity and heat to the grid by means of dynamic simulations
- Evaluate the economic feasibility of the proposed concept by determining investment and operational costs as well as the cost of electricity
- Determine the impact on the environment (e.g., resource requirements, emissions) and on the society, such as maintaining or creating jobs
Coordination and Dissemination
- Constitute an interface to the European Commission (EC), providing technical and administrative progress reports to the EC according to the specified requirements
- Control, manage and monitor the administrative, financial, and legal tasks of the project
- Achieve the best possible project recognition over a broad audience by disseminating the scientific results, the targets, and their social and technological impact
- Exploit the project results and maximize the innovation